1    Game: Pokemon Go

1.1 What are the Pokemon with highest CP?
List of the Pokemon in the order from high to low CP:
      Mewtwo   - 4145
      Dragonite - 3500
      Mew         - 3299
      Moltres    -  3240
      Zapdos     -  3114
      Snorlax    -  3113
      Arcanine  -  2984
      Lapras      - 2981
      Articuno   - 2978
      Exeggutor - 2955

1.2 What are the best attacker Pokemon?
List of the attacker Pokemon in the order from high to low:

If you want to fight in winning the gym then it is best to use the best attacker Pokemon.

1.3  What are the best defender Pokemon?
List of the defender Pokemon in the order from high to low:

If you win the gym then it is best to place the best defender Pokemon in the gym.

1.4  Pokémon Evolution?
List of the Pokemons which are really good to be in your list, in order of alphabetic:

Pokemon Evolve from Evolve from Type
Arcanine Growlithe (50) Attacker/Defender
Articuno N/A Defender
Blastoise Wartortle (100) Squirtle Defender
Dragonite Dragonair (100) Dratini (25) Attacker/Defender
Exeggutor Exeggcute (50) Attacker
Flareon Eevee (Pyro) Attacker
Hitmonchan Tyrogue Defender
Lapras      No Evolve Defender
Magmar Magby Attacker
Marowak Cubone (50) Defender
Mew N/A Attacker/Defender
Mewtwo N/A Attacker/Defender
Moltres No Evolve Attacker/Defender
Omastar N/A Defender
Poliwrath Poliwhirl (100) Poliwag (25) Defender
Snorlax    Munchlax Defender
Venusaur Ivysaur Bulbasaur (25) Defender
Victreebel Weepinbell (100) Bellsprount (25) Attacker/Defender
Zapdos     N/A Attacker

You can find more Pokémon Evolution from

1.5  How to level up fast Pokemon?
There are 5 steps:
a.  Capture Pokémon: 
Gain Stardust, XP and Candy. 
* New Pokémon = 500 XP
* Same Pokémon = 100 XP

b. Hatch those eggs:
You can find egg at Pokémon stops, walk a distance and your egg will be hatched into a Pokémon. If Pokémon is new then you get XP Bonus.
  5 km hatch = 500 XP
10 km hatch = 1000 XP

c. Evolve:
Each Pokemon needs a specific amount of Candy before it can be evolved. Make sure to try and evolve as many Pokemon as you can.  The best is to wait to evolve all at once when you have lucky egg.  With the lucky egg, XP is multiplied by 2 i.e. a new Pokémon is 500 XP. With the lucky egg it is 1000 XP.  Imagine, you evolve 50 Pokémons with the lucky egg then you would have 50000 XP at minimum.

d.  Train and battle at Gym:
You will gain XP for each Pokemon that you defeat!   Suggest to power up one of your attacker Pokémon listed above, for the battle at Gym.

e.  Visit Pokestops:
These locations will give you Pokeballs, Revives, Egg and XP.

1.6  How much do you need to level up ?

LEVEL XP Needed To Reach Level Total XP LEVEL XP Needed To Reach Level Total XP
1 0 0 21 50,000 260,000
2 1,000 1,000 22 75,000 335,000
3 2,000 3,000 23 100,000 435,000
4 3,000 6,000 24 125,000 560,000
5 4,000 10,000 25 150,000 710,000
6 5,000 15,000 26 190,000 900,000
7 6,000 21,000 27 200,000 1,100,000
8 7,000 28,000 28 250,000 1,350,000
9 8,000 36,000 29 300,000 1,650,000
10 9,000 45,000 30 350,000 2,000,000
11 10,000 55,000 31 500,000 2,500,000
12 10,000 65,000 32 500,000 3,000,000
13 10,000 75,000 33 750,000 3,750,000
14 10,000 85,000 34 1,000,000 4,750,000
15 15,000 100,000 35 1,250,000 6,000,000
16 20,000 120,000 36 1,500,000 7,500,000
17 20,000 140,000 37 2,000,000 9,500,000
18 20,000 160,000 38 2,500,000 12,000,000
19 25,000 185,000 39 3,000,000 15,000,000
20 25,000 210,000 40 5,000,000 20,000,000

1.7  How to find Pokémon?

Download the below application to your mobile phone, to find new Pokémon.
  • For android mobile phone:  FastPokeMap

1.8  How to evolve Eevee?
  • select Eevee with the highest CP.
  • click button 'edit' next to Eevee's name
  • change name to an appropriate nickname
           Electric:     Sparky = Jolteon
           Water:        Rainer = Vaporeon
           Fire:           Pyro = Flareon

Note: the first letter must be a Capitalise letter.  For example: if you want Eevee to become Jolteon then you have to rename Eevee to Sparky.

1.9  What is a good CP for Magikarp to evolve?

You need 400 candies to evolve Magikarp to become a Gyarydos.

if Magikarp 150 CP then Gyarydos could be 1500 - 1650 CP
if Magikarp 160 CP then Gyarydos could be 1600 - 1800 CP

The best is to wait until you have a strong Magikarp (160 CP above) to evolve. If you evolve too early, then it takes too much time to power up Gyarydos.  Each power up round, the CP is increased by 30 approximately.


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